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Demonstrate Proficient Movement Skills: PT Student Materials

This document gives the companion student materials to the performance task fully described in the teacher guide. Please refer to the teacher guide linked as the option performance task for expanded details on appropriate and inappropriate supports for this task, as well as a list of potential alternate means of expression students could use when completing task items.

Demonstrate Proficient Movement Skills: PT Student Materials

These materials provide the student facing resources needed to deliver this performance task.

Click the link below to download this document. Click the “comment” and the “thumb up / thumb down” buttons above to leave feedback upon completion of your review.

Demonstrate Proficient Movement Skills: PT Teacher Guide

This performance task evaluates students’ understanding of key concepts within the Demonstrate Proficient Movement Skills Big Idea. It is divided into parts, each targeting a specific component of the Big Idea(s). Each part offers accessible strategies and examples of how students can demonstrate proficiency with the concepts. Various tools, mediums, and connections are provided for teachers to customize the task to the unique needs, cultures, interests, and abilities of their students, promoting an inclusive and relevant educational experience.

When preparing this performance task, distinguish between the flexible and fixed elements to ensure students have multiple ways to demonstrate their knowledge without compromising the concepts’ depth and the rigor within the standards. Furthermore, educators should always consult the student’s Individualized Education Program (IEP) to ensure that all required accommodations and supplementary aids are provided during the assessment.

Demonstrate Proficient Movement Skills: PT Teacher Guide

This guide provides a sample performance task for this big idea created by the project team.

Click the link below to download this document. Click the “comment” and the “thumb up / thumb down” buttons above to leave feedback upon completion of your review.

Practice Brief: Assessing Movement Skills and Movement Knowledge

The document outlines effective assessment strategies for physical education that accommodate students with disabilities, emphasizing the importance of aligning instruction and assessment with established standards while providing alternative means of expression. It highlights the need for flexible assessment methods that consider individual student capabilities and the use of adaptive devices to ensure all students can demonstrate their movement skills and knowledge proficiently.

Practice Brief: Assessing Movement Skills and Movement Knowledge

The document provides guidance on assessing movement skills and knowledge in physical education for students with disabilities, emphasizing the importance of flexible, standards-aligned assessment methods that accommodate diverse student needs through alternative means of expression.

Click the link below to download this document. Click the “comment” and the “thumb up / thumb down” buttons above to leave feedback upon completion of your review.

Practice Brief: Unpacking Course Requirements for Physical Education

The document outlines the requirements and goals for high school physical education, emphasizing the importance of providing equitable access to quality experiences for all students, including those with disabilities. It highlights the need for proficiency in eight mandated content areas and the use of alternative means of expression to ensure that every student can meet graduation requirements while developing lifelong skills in physical activity.

Practice Brief: Unpacking Course Requirements for Physical Education

The document details the high school physical education requirements, emphasizing equitable access and proficiency in eight mandated content areas for all students, including those with disabilities, while promoting lifelong engagement in physical activity.

Click the link below to download this document. Click the “comment” and the “thumb up / thumb down” buttons above to leave feedback upon completion of your review.

Collaborative Discourse, Rhetorical Literary Analysis: PT Teacher Guide

This performance task evaluates students’ understanding of key concepts within the Collaborative Discourse and Rhetorical Literary Analysis Big Ideas. It is divided into parts, each targeting a specific component of the Big Idea(s). Each part offers accessible strategies and examples of how students can demonstrate proficiency with the concepts. Various tools, mediums, and connections are provided for teachers to customize the task to the unique needs, cultures, interests, and abilities of their students, promoting an inclusive and relevant educational experience.

When preparing this performance task, distinguish between the flexible and fixed elements to ensure students have multiple ways to demonstrate their knowledge without compromising the concepts’ depth and the rigor within the standards. Furthermore, educators should always consult the student’s Individualized Education Program (IEP) to ensure that all required accommodations and supplementary aids are provided during the assessment.

Collaborative Discourse, Rhetorical Literary Analysis: PT Teacher Guide

This guide provides a sample performance task for this big idea created by the project team.

Click the link below to download this document. Click the “comment” and the “thumb up / thumb down” buttons above to leave feedback upon completion of your review.

Collaborative Discourse, Rhetorical Literary Analysis: PT Student Materials

This document gives the companion student materials to the performance task fully described in the teacher guide. Please refer to the teacher guide linked as the option performance task for expanded details on appropriate and inappropriate supports for this task, as well as a list of potential alternate means of expression students could use when completing task items.

Collaborative Discourse, Rhetorical Literary Analysis: PT Student Materials

These materials provide the student facing resources needed to deliver this performance task.

Click the link below to download this document. Click the “comment” and the “thumb up / thumb down” buttons above to leave feedback upon completion of your review.

Analyzing and Writing Arguments, Research Across Texts, Informative Oral Presentations: PT Teacher Guide

This performance task evaluates students’ understanding of key concepts within the Analyzing and Writing Arguments, Research Across Texts, and Informative Oral Presentations Big Ideas. It is divided into parts, each targeting a specific component of the Big Idea(s). Each part offers accessible strategies and examples of how students can demonstrate proficiency with the concepts. Various tools, mediums, and connections are provided for teachers to customize the task to the unique needs, cultures, interests, and abilities of their students, promoting an inclusive and relevant educational experience.

When preparing this performance task, distinguish between the flexible and fixed elements to ensure students have multiple ways to demonstrate their knowledge without compromising the concepts’ depth and the rigor within the standards. Furthermore, educators should always consult the student’s Individualized Education Program (IEP) to ensure that all required accommodations and supplementary aids are provided during the assessment.

Analyzing and Writing Arguments, Research Across Texts, Informative Oral Presentations: PT Teacher Guide

This guide provides a sample performance task for this big idea created by the project team.

Click the link below to download this document. Click the “comment” and the “thumb up / thumb down” buttons above to leave feedback upon completion of your review.

Analyzing and Writing Arguments, Research Across Texts, Informative Oral Presentations: PT Student Materials

This document gives the companion student materials to the performance task fully described in the teacher guide. Please refer to the teacher guide linked as the option performance task for expanded details on appropriate and inappropriate supports for this task, as well as a list of potential alternate means of expression students could use when completing task items.

Analyzing and Writing Arguments, Research Across Texts, Informative Oral Presentations: PT Student Materials

These materials provide the student facing resources needed to deliver this performance task.

Click the link below to download this document. Click the “comment” and the “thumb up / thumb down” buttons above to leave feedback upon completion of your review.

Analyzing and Writing Arguments: PT Teacher Guide

This performance task evaluates students’ understanding of key concepts within the Analyzing and Writing Arguments Big Idea. It is divided into parts, each targeting a specific component of the Big Idea(s). Each part offers accessible strategies and examples of how students can demonstrate proficiency with the concepts. Various tools, mediums, and connections are provided for teachers to customize the task to the unique needs, cultures, interests, and abilities of their students, promoting an inclusive and relevant educational experience.

When preparing this performance task, distinguish between the flexible and fixed elements to ensure students have multiple ways to demonstrate their knowledge without compromising the concepts’ depth and the rigor within the standards. Furthermore, educators should always consult the student’s Individualized Education Program (IEP) to ensure that all required accommodations and supplementary aids are provided during the assessment.

Analyzing and Writing Arguments: PT Teacher Guide

This guide provides a sample performance task for this big idea created by the project team.