Coursework Big Ideas for Physical Education Course 2
On this page you will find the big ideas of a course needed for graduation (based on the state minimum requirements). A course’s big ideas are the central competencies, skills, and concepts a student will be expected to understand and be able to do in order to show proficiency in a course. Unpacking a course’s big ideas elevates the categories or evidence statements and their related state-adopted standards that are most emphasized within a big idea. Subject Matter Experts across the state from each content area joined the project team to create the following examples of unpacked big ideas within this course.
Once a big idea is unpacked, the educators and IEP teams can identify viable alternate means of expression that can be used by students to meet coursework requirements. This flexibility in how students communicate their understanding is especially important for students with an IEP, who often have supplementary aids and services requiring more individualized approaches regarding assessments.